(1968) 1 CLR 408

1968 October 29









(Civil Application No. 9/67).

Civil Procedure-Action-Transfer of action from one Court to another, in this case from the District Court of Nicosia to the District Court of Larnaca-The Courts of Justice Law, 1960 (Law of the Republic No. 14. of 1960) section 61-Road traffic accident-Action for damages-Action filed in the District Court of Nicosia viz. in the Court established in the District in which defendant resides-Transferred to the District Court of Larnaca viz., in the district where the accident occurred-Transfer of action-Discretion of the Supreme Court-Principles applicable.

Action-Transfer of action from one Court to another by order of the Supreme Court-See above.

Transfer-Transfer of action-See above.

This is an application to the Supreme Court for the transfer of an action from one District Court to another under section 61 of the Courts of Justice Law, 1960 (Law of the Republic No. 14 of 1960) The Court exercising its discretion granted the application and ordered the transfer applied for The facts sufficiently appear in the judgment of the Court.

Application granted, with all incidental

expense and costs payable

by the applicant-plaintiff-in any


Cases referred to:

Photos Photiades and Co. v. fadranska Slohodna Plovidba, 1962 C.L.R. 107;

Efthymiou v. The Estate of Alexandros Christou, Application No. 8/67, unreported; [*409]

Ahmad Al-Masri v. Derya Fishing Co., Application No. 4/67, unreported,

Constantinou and Another v. Christina Petrou and Another (reported in this Vol. at p. 200 ante).


Application for the transfer of an action from one District Court to another, made under section 61 of the Courts of Justice Law 1960 (No. 14 of 1960).

D. Liveras, for the applicant.

No appearance, for respondent.

The judgment of the Court was delivered by:

VASSILIADES, P.: This is an application for the transfer of an action from one District Court to another, made under section 61 of the Courts of Justice Law (No. 14 of 1960).

The facts on which the application is based appear in an affidavit sworn and filed on behalf of the Applicant by his advocate. The claim in the action is for damages to property arising from a road collision which occurred within the jurisdiction of the Court of Larnaca.

The defendant is an agricultural officer who, at the time, was stationed at Morphou. According to the affidavit filed in support, he was working partly at Morphou and partly at Nicosia; Service of the writ of summons was not effected on him until some time later when he was traced in the district of Paphos where he was working at the time Now, the applicant-plaintiff applies for the transfer of the action from the District Court of Nicosia where the defendant was residing at the time, to the District Court of Larnaca within the jurisdiction of which the collision occurred.

As it has been observed in the course of the argument, had the action been originally filed in the Court of the District where the accident occurred, the need for transfer would not have arisen. Be that as it may, however, we now have to deal with the application for transfer.

In the reported cases after the enactment of the Courts of Justice Law, 190, the matter was first considered in Photos Photiades & Co. v. Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba (1962, [*410] Cyprus Law Reports, p. 107). There the application was for the transfer of an action from the District Court of Famagusta to the admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court. It was held in that case, that section 61 of the Courts of Justice Law gave to this Court discretionary power to make the transfer, where in the circumstances of a particular case, the Court is of the opinion that such powers should be exercised. In the Jadranska case, the application for transfer was refused. Since then, there have been several such applications. In some of them the Court exercising their discretionary power made a transfer order, in others the application was refused, depending on the circumstances of the case. (Efthymiou v. The Estate of Alexandros Christou, Application 8/67, unreported; Ahmad Al-Masri v. Derya Fishing Co., Application 4/67, unreported; Constantinou and Another v. Christina Petrou and Another (reported in this Vol. at p. 200 ante).

Coming to the case before us, we take the view that, as the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction of the District Court of Larnaca, where the applicant-plaintiff is now trying to have the action transferred, and the defendant has no objection to such transfer (according to the statement made from the Bar by Mr. Liveras) the application should be granted; and an order made for the transfer of the action accordingly. Any incidental costs to be borne by the applicant-plaintiff in any event, so that the defendant will not have to bear any costs arising from the course which the plaintiff elected to take.

We wish, however, to make it clear that, having heard no argument on the legal aspect arising in this case, where the defendant having entered-we are told-an unconditional appearance, is taking an objection to the jurisdiction as a preliminary point in his pleadings, we leave the matter open whether in such circumstances, the discretion of the Court should have been exercised, had there been an opposition.

In the result, the application is granted; with an order under section 61 of the Courts of Justice Law, 1960, for the transfer of action 447/67 from the District court of Nicosia to the District Court of Larnaca, with all incidental expense and costs payable by the applicant-plaintiff, in any event.

Application granted.

Order for costs as aforesaid. Από το ΚΙΝOΠ/CyLii για τον Παγκύπριο Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο